Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How I intend to feed people at my wedding

How do I intend to feed hundreds of people on my wedding day? I have thought about this for several years. I have been to over 21 weddings, and many of them had good ideas; some were traditional, some were new. I think I will ask my close Christian family friends to bring a big dish of their family's favorite recipe, including the recipe on a 3x5 card as well as intentions to leave the actual pot, dish or platter for the bride (myself). Then the bride and groom, as well as the bridesmaids and groomsmen will serve the guests. I would like my wedding to be based upon the concept of Biblical Christian service. Therefore, the guests will be served first. In fact, I intend to have the actual ceremony after the feast. So, the vows and blessings will be after the celebration - and at sundown.

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